Mediation Services Resources
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Domestic Violence Court Resources by County
Bay Area Links for domestic violence
San Francisco Bay Area Superior Courts
This is a quick list of links to Bay Area County Superior courts. San Francisco County Superior Court Alameda County Superior Court Alameda County Case Lookup Contra Costa County Superior Court Contra Costa Open Access Case Lookup Sacramento County Superior...
Bay Area Family Crisis Centers and Help Centers
Bay Area Family Crisis Centers and Help Centers
Bay Area County and California State Website Links – Divorce
Bay Area Divorce Resources
Divorce Alternative – Legal Separation
A legal separation won't end a marriage or domestic partnership. Unlike divorce or dissolution, in cases of a legal separation, the marriage or domestic partnership remains unbroken, prohibiting the parties from remarriage or entering a new domestic partnership. Legal...
Divorce Alternative – Annulment
With an annulment, the court determines that a marriage or domestic partnership is not legally valid.
You Can Renew Your Domestic Violence Restraining Order Easily
If your Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) is set to expire, you may be wondering what to do next. Do you want to renew your DVRO? Are you within the proper timeline to renew your DVRO? How much work is required to renew your DVRO?
Adoptions by Same-Sex Married Persons
If you need help adopting, at Mendes Law, we feel adoption is a joyous occasion. We would love to share in your joy. Please allow us to help you adopt.
Cohabitants Beware
Regardless of whether they have a romantic or sexual relationship, is cohabitators beware. Before you hand your apartment keys over to your friend or lover, it is good practice to make sure you understand what you could be facing down the road. We suggest you consult with an attorney if any of these situations apply to you and a significant other.
Shorter Marriage? You May Be in For a Smoother (and Cheaper) Divorce!
Not all marriages are created equal, and neither are all divorces. California law allows for an expedited divorce process, called a “summary dissolution” under certain specific circumstances.
“We Want Prenup, Yeah! It’s Something That You *May* Need to Have”
Prenuptial agreements require more reasoned negotiations than you think.
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders (DVROs) & Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs): Procedures, Preparation, Possibilities
If a romantic partner – past or present – married or not – is making you feel unsafe, you may very well qualify for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO).
Don’t Hate, Mediate.
You may be surprised to know that spouses or registered domestic partners are not required to retain individual representation to get divorced or dissolve their partnership in California.
To Exchange or Not To Exchange – That is the Question
Child Custody – To provide parents some clarity in the midst of confusion, the California Superior Courts have some recommendations for you to follow while the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Elder Abuse
How can we help those persons at risk of neglect or abuse who do not currently have an attorney?
California Restraining Orders and Your Safety
No one has the right to make you feel unsafe. A Restraining Order can help protect you.
Realistic Expectations of the Time Frame of the Court
Divorcing couples are often surprised to learn that due to a full and complex court system, divorces can take several months or years longer than expected to finalize.
Shining the Light on Domestic Violence
One of the biggest misconceptions regarding domestic violence is the idea there must be “violence” involved. Many people fail to report activity that falls under the crime of “domestic violence” because they are ill-informed regarding what “violence” entails.
Social Media & Teenagers – Legal Ramifications of Social Media Posts
While an adolescent may not understand the ramifications of posting a comment, activity, or picture on social media, it’s important for parents to inform the child of the consequences that might occur as a result of what’s being posted.
How to Survive Holiday Custody Schedule Planning & Keeping Your Children’s Best Interest at Heart
A lawyer who specializes in child custody arrangements can help you create a fair and equitable holiday or birthday schedule.
Considering a Modification in Custody? Be Realistic about Your Expectations and the Needs of Your Child or Children
Courts take modifications seriously. If you want to be successful in making modifications to your current child custody orders, it may be best to contact an experienced family law attorney in Walnut Creek.
Division of Assets in a Divorce: Why Consulting an Attorney is in Your Best Interests
When you divorce, state law requires you and your partner to divide the marital assets in a manner that is reasonable and acceptable to both parties. In the best case, both parties will cooperate and be fair about the division of assets. In the worst case, one or...
Preparing for Life After Divorce
The sooner you prepare yourself for life after divorce, the better you and your children will be.
Walnut Creek Office
1990 N. California Blvd.
Suite 1020
Walnut Creek, CA 94596